The preview of Radio Magic project, included in “Vintage Upcycling With Raspberry Pi and Arduino” book available on Amazon

The preview of Radio Magic project, included in “Vintage Upcycling With Raspberry Pi and Arduino” book available on Amazon
The second video episode of the Super Smart Home challenge project A short description of how I have set up the Super Smart Home Cypress PSoC 6 WiFi Bt dev board as the IoT Control Center device connected to the AWS IoT Core to exchange MQTT data with the AWS platform. The software is based […]
A simple and efficient circuit to program the popular microcontroller with the Arduino IDE (and another to test it with a Raspberry Pi) As much as things are small and powerful, as much they are difficult to manage. But I never resign! The thing that really lost me a lot of time in this project […]
The Super Smart Home project has started. A great thanks to, Cypress and AWS by Amazon, as well as the sponsors Elegoo and Digitspace. You can see below the main project scheme, more updates in the next blog posts and following the Connected Cloud Challenge.
This vintage upcycling project won the Project14 “Acoustics” monthly competition! The vintage upcycling project PiRotary – also included in the book “Progetti per maker con Arduino“, by Hoepli editore, won the monthly Project14 grand prize competition Acoustics on The full making can be found on the PiRotary project blog post. Below the simple […]
The Nanorama Initiative by Checkout the Nanorama projects at
Testing Raspberry Pi 4B on Raspberry Pi 4B Road Test with two set up that can be used in the everyday activity: The PiDesktop and the PiCluster. Published on in the Road Test area These two Pi4 settings tested in the Element14 road test are also included – Italian language – in the […]
The Pi Rotary Published in Project 14 channel for the monthly theme Acoustics, all the project details and how-to are available online. The two-parts Pi Rotary article has also been featured on issue 89 (MarchAprile) of The Shed in New Zealand.
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