Presenting another project from the “VIntage Upcycling With Raspberry Pi and Arduino” recently published on Amazon. In the New Zealand, it is distributed by The Shed magazine.

Presenting another project from the “VIntage Upcycling With Raspberry Pi and Arduino” recently published on Amazon. In the New Zealand, it is distributed by The Shed magazine.
From the 1970’s design desk lamp up to the Radio Magic project series, an inspiring guide on vintage upcycling for Makers. The projects are based on the articles published on The Sher magazine and award-winning projects from the Project14 challenges. The book is available on Amazon in ebook format, free with Kindle Unlimited and […]
A simple and efficient circuit to program the popular microcontroller with the Arduino IDE (and another to test it with a Raspberry Pi) As much as things are small and powerful, as much they are difficult to manage. But I never resign! The thing that really lost me a lot of time in this project […]
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